i cant decide .
first one iv had for a wile really good bike. looks cool . has disc brake that are well cool . in my head this is my bike , never fort id have another one as its plenty good enough for my need . witch is go out once a year and tell my sell i will get fit and then don't , and the very odd trip to a party
next we have the new one . no discs or els i would defo go for this one . bit newer probably a better bike . wasunt that keen till i took it round the block ,. it goes like fuck . its lighter and and has thiners tyers . but if i sell it it would make a bit more cash than the black one witch would be nice at the mo .
so vote please and tell me what you fink . use your head and your hart to deside . what a strange thread
first one iv had for a wile really good bike. looks cool . has disc brake that are well cool . in my head this is my bike , never fort id have another one as its plenty good enough for my need . witch is go out once a year and tell my sell i will get fit and then don't , and the very odd trip to a party
next we have the new one . no discs or els i would defo go for this one . bit newer probably a better bike . wasunt that keen till i took it round the block ,. it goes like fuck . its lighter and and has thiners tyers . but if i sell it it would make a bit more cash than the black one witch would be nice at the mo .
so vote please and tell me what you fink . use your head and your hart to deside . what a strange thread