Ive apologised to the trader that came over to us at 4.00am,seems a sound bloke and all seems ok now
Re: oktoberfest Hi Rich, thanks for that it's much appreciated.
I know how it is, and it's easy to get caught up in the fun of it all .
I don't know the name of the other trader, he was stood listening in
his boxers and a pair of boots, and was bloody huge, well stood next to
me he was anyway .
It was more about the kids sleeping than us, my youngest is a bloody
nightmare when she's tired , you can actually hear her whingeing
clearly over a klaxxon horn.
The rest of the weekend more than made up for it , but I really appreciate your message
Here's to the next show , and if you're at final fling I'll happily
shake your hand as I hold grudges for approximately 30 seconds