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ACE Newsletters- I will up date when ever i receive a new one

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Right folks this is the 1st update i have got.like the title says i will update these when ever i get one.
I will be copying them as i get them,then that way there is NO room for anyone to say its been messed with.

cheers y'all
Mario ACE Newsletters- I will up date when ever i receive a new one 77324
ACE Newsletter - February 2010‏

Is that a modified monocoque?

The latest news posting on the website has stirred up a bit of a hornet’s nest.
We have been working for the past six months to get to a position where DVLA were prepared to put into writing what they consider to be a modification to a chassis or monocoque.
We felt that this was a crucially important area that needed clarification as they have always said that the points allocated to these components, which contribute to a vehicle’s identity, are awarded for the unmodified item, although no one seemed to know – or be willing to tell us – exactly what that was.
And how many modifiers even knew about the eight-point scheme ?

Since the article went up and the press release went out, there has been a considerable rise in the number of questions asked, relating to specific vehicles, so we have spent quite a bit of time on various forums, answering posts and explaining things.

I think a couple of things are important here.
Firstly, this is not new; the rules have been there for almost 30 years now.
The thing that has changed is that DVLA are beginning to enforce them. If you look at their website you’ll see that they now say that a modification to the Chassis/Monocoque is a notifiable change.
This was not there a short time back.
That simple change gives them the ability, should they choose to, to suspend a logbook and have the vehicle inspected.
If you don’t know what they consider to be a modification, how do you know what you need to tell them?
Or, how do you know what to do to stay inside the 8 points?

There are some who have said, “If you just kept your mouths shut then they wouldn’t have started looking and the problem would have gone away”, and this is not just from the modding community, it’s also been heard among the Classic car fraternity as well.
Unfortunately, that is a scenario that is not going to happen.
Anyone who followed the Andy Saunders story will know how that came about, it stemmed from an inquiry relating to a cherished number plate transfer, on a vehicle that was already registered and had been MOT’d.
The inspection showed up the roof chop, which was deemed a modification to the monocoque and the vehicle was stripped of it’s identity.
Interestingly, without the BIVA test, that car would not be on the road today, but that’s another story.

As we have said in several postings on forums, people have the right to decide what they want to build and how they want to build it, we do not suggest that we should dictate that, all we can do is point out the legalities and get clarification where we can.

Hopefully we will have further clarification on the points system coming through soon.

EC43 spec glass

At present, there is an exemption in the BIVA regulations that allows Kit Car manufacturers to use up their stocks of non EC 43 Specification glass before switching over to the ‘New’ standard.
As older cars would not have been fitted with this spec glass it becomes a real problem when the vehicle is presented for BIVA.
Without the EC43 glass the vehicle would fail, but who would want to replace all the glass in their car for the test, not to mention the problems and cost of getting one off screens etc made for a specific application.
It doesn’t look, at this stage, as though the rules are going to be relaxed on this point, but we are still talking to VOSA and others on the issue.

We have been told of a source of EU acceptable polycarbonate that can be made to order.
This is, apparently, the same stuff that was used on the Space Shuttle so; if it was good enough for NASA it should be OK in Brussels.

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

We ran some pieces about this on the website a while ago.
Basically, it’s a computer that controls the way a vehicle is used, ranging from intelligent route planning, via ‘AI’ Sat-Nav systems, to speed control using roadside beacons and satellite communications.
It’s the next big thing across Europe as they try to make everything more efficient.
The fundamental problem was that the intention of the EU wide laws were that all road vehicles would have to be fitted with the system and, that it would also need to be retrofitted to the existing stock.
This, of course took no account of the practicalities of fitting a computer controlled accelerator/brake system into a 1952 Ford Pop or anything else that wasn’t originally designed to have it.

The campaign was take up by FIVA (Federation Internationale Vehicules Aincen) the European classic vehicle body, who announced in their newsletter that they had got the EU council to formerly recognise an exemption for vehicles produced before the legislation comes into force.
So, this means that older cars can still be driven by the best computer available, the driver’s brain.

Wheels Day

The Surrey Street Rodders Wheels Day, on Good Friday, will be the first meeting this year at which ACE will have a presence.
We will have a stand manned by the team and are hoping to have a number of vehicles that have been through BIVA on show, to provide examples of what is possible, with a thorough knowledge of the regulations.
If you’re at the show, drop by and say hello.

Website Admin

As you probably know, ACE is run on an entirely voluntary basis and everyone has day jobs to do.
Unfortunately, our Website Administrator has had to bow out, due to other commitments, so we are in need of a volunteer replacement.
If you would like to assist, you will ideally have a knowledge of PHP, HTML, Image Processing, cPanel and mySQL along with some spare time.
We sadly can’t offer payment, but you will get a warm glow of satisfaction…

Drop us a line via the website if you are interested.

Until the next newsletter
Enjoy your vehicle, whatever you drive

Steve Wallace
The ACE Team

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