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DBS Birthday Party Invite

5 posters

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1DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty DBS Birthday Party Invite 1/5/2010, 9:22 pm

mr scoops

Right then guys.
I am in the process of trying to sort out our August club meet.
Now, being a bit of a dick I got confused and thought it was our 5th Birthday, but it turns out that it is our 4th, but, we are all bang up for it now so it's party on!! :roll: Very Happy
So, the plan is, we basically have the pub pretty much to ourselves for the night.
We are going to have a band and hopefully an extension. It is going to cost £5 for the night, this will also allow you to pitch up in the car park or the back field overnight.
We are looking to get access to the toilet facilities and also to get the chef in early doors for breakfasts etc on the Sunday morning.
Would any of you guys be up for this??
Can you give me an idea of how many tickets you'd want, as they want to know if it is going to be worth their while shutting their pub on a Sturday night in August.

2DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 1/5/2010, 9:26 pm

mr scoops

Sorry, forgot the date.
Saturday August 21st.

3DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 1/5/2010, 9:30 pm



soz if iv missed it but where abouts mate ?

4DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 1/5/2010, 9:56 pm



I think irs our annual week/weekend holiday then..weekend before bank holiday.
Real shame as i would love to come to this DBS Birthday Party Invite 77324

5DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 2/5/2010, 12:01 am



Sounds like a good shout???

6DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 2/5/2010, 7:32 am

mr scoops

Its down in Weston Super Duper!

7DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 2/5/2010, 9:29 am

dicky mint

dicky mint

id like this, i'll check the dates. DBS Birthday Party Invite 77324

8DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 2/5/2010, 11:40 am



Sounds good if we're about

9DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 7/6/2010, 8:33 pm

mr scoops

So here is the info on the DBS Birthday Party.
Saturday August 21st at the Full Quart, Hewish, BS24 6RT
The DBS month end meeting for August is a week earlier so as not to fall on the Bank Holiday weekend.
We are also holding it on the Saturday night instead of the Friday, and it is going to be £5 per person to attend.
This will get you admission to the DBS only area of the pub. This area will be a minimum of 75% of the pub, with a BBQ and mobile discotheque, along with an license extension.
If required, you are also able to park up in the field or the car park overnight and pitch up a tent or sleep in your van/bus/wobblebox.
The pub toilets will be accessable overnight, and I am 90% sure that the chef of the pub will be in early doors on the Sunday morning to take orders for a full English and tea/coffee (for an extra charge of course).
This invite has also been extended to;-

Kerbside Kustoms
Fun Dubbin Kriminals
Bath Air Cooled
Wurzel Dubbers
Exeter Air Cooled
Krazy Dub Club

So it should be a good night.
Please let me know if you are going to be up for it. Deadline for paying up will be August 1st.
Probably easiest if you can get one person to co-ordinate who is coming etc and then they can send me the money etc and I can send out your tickets to one person.
Can you let me know how many people will be planning to stay over and in what so we can ensure there is enough room for everyone.
My details are 1964notchback@googlemail.com and my number is;-
'oh' 7976 'oh'58643
(oh is 0 by the way). Very Happy

10DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 7/6/2010, 8:40 pm



I'd be up for this. Overnighter in weston at the pub...anyone else?

11DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 7/6/2010, 8:42 pm



yep if the dates work out im there . only thing is my boy maybe on holiday and coming back that night . i may have to pick him up from that london

12DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 16/7/2010, 8:51 pm

mr scoops

So how many of you guys are coming?
Get in touch with me to let me know and I can let you have payment details etc
We'd love to see you there folks!

13DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 16/7/2010, 9:07 pm

dicky mint

dicky mint

hopefully me too, i'll check the dates and get back asap. sounds a good crack to me DBS Birthday Party Invite 77324

14DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 26/7/2010, 5:12 pm

mr scoops

Hi there
I am putting this up as a thread on the DBS Forum in both General (as a sticky), as a reply on the August Month Ender topic, sending it out as a Newsletter and also as a message via the DBS Facebook page.
In addition to that it will be posted up on the forums of the clubs who have expressed an interest.
I am hoping this rules out the chance of anyone saying “I would have come if I’d known about it!!!” LOL!!!

DBS Birthday Party.
Details have been confirmed with the pub.
Saturday August 21st from 7:30pm.
A mobile discotheque with flashing lights and everything has been booked. There will be a BBQ laid on for you to purchase food throughout the evening.
An extension is in place for everyone too, so there’ll be no need to cram your drinking in by 11pm.
You are most welcome to park up and sleep in your van in the carpark, or to put your van/tent/bug etc in the field behind the pub.
Overnight there will be access to the pubs toilet facilities.
The chef will be in again from 8am on the Sunday morning and we will be getting a good deal on a full English breakfast.

All this for a measly £5 per person. This money is to pay for the disco and the other costs, (license extension etc), any monies left over will be donated to charity.

You can pay me in person at the July Month Ender this week, or via Paypal, or via cheque, it’s up to you.

Paypal is cruisetotheprom@googlemail.com
My address for cheques is;-
Alan Cooper
2 Belgrave Road
North Somerset
BS22 8AJ

If you need to give me a call my number is 07976 058643 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 07976 058643 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

It would be easier for one person from each club to get the monies etc together and pay in one go. That way I can send the tickets (these will be required on the night) to one person rather than having to post out loads of separate letters etc

If you pay my via Paypal can you also tell me your username if you are a DBS’er or your club if you are from another club, and let me have your postal address.

The August Month Ender is always a big turnout for DBS as it is traditionally our birthday gig, this time we thought it would be good to share with other clubs etc.

Can I ask that the deadline for buying/ordering your ticket is Friday 13th August 2010

15DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 28/7/2010, 8:55 pm



anyone going ? i think i can make it

16DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 28/7/2010, 9:14 pm

dicky mint

dicky mint

i'll check wiv da guvnor DBS Birthday Party Invite 16560

17DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 3/8/2010, 2:48 pm

mr scoops

Any idea on how many of you lovely people are coming and when you're going to cough up?

License to be extended until 1am!

18DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 3/8/2010, 3:15 pm



we'r a bit shit aint we mr S . im taking my boy to the air port that day . if all goes well i will be there but if it turns in to a nightmair i wont . i cant say any more than that . if i need to book i will have to say no as i dont want to mess you about . cheers d ..

ps this will be the same for Di as well .

19DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 3/8/2010, 3:30 pm

mr scoops

You can rock up on the night if you so wish if there may be a problem....

20DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 3/8/2010, 3:48 pm



cool . that what me and di will do . hope to be there . sounds a good night , cheers d

21DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 4/8/2010, 9:24 pm

mr scoops

What about Dickie-Boy??

22DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 4/8/2010, 9:34 pm



mr scoops wrote:What about Dickie-Boy??
Were on holiday mate DBS Birthday Party Invite 77324

23DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 12/8/2010, 8:54 pm

mr scoops

IF anyone does decide to brave it and come you are welcome to pay on the night. If you wanna get hold of me my number is 07976 058643 as I am away for the next week.
Staying after the normal 11 o'clock last orders and camping etc isn't possible UNLESS you have a wristband. Only £5 each.
If you don't come this time, there's always next year! DBS Birthday Party Invite 664717

24DBS Birthday Party Invite Empty Re: DBS Birthday Party Invite 12/8/2010, 9:05 pm



Defo up for this next time mate.. DBS Birthday Party Invite 77324 DBS Birthday Party Invite 77324
shame its fallen on our holidays

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